
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Plum Plum Pickers

Chokyab Sherab
Mr. Gallegher
12 CP Period 1
19 Oct, 2010
The Plum Plum pickers

In the passage “The plum plum pickers” by Raymond Barrio suggest that life to be a Mexican migrant plum picker in a White filed is horrible and like a slave. They will unfairly treated you and cheat on you. But only thing that will keep you live is to stand against mistreat and cheat, earn the honor and pride of your life. Author showed that by Manual and his workmates worked really hard in that hot sunning day, but their work boss Morales try to cheat them, so manual savagely against his boss and show his pride and lead the worker, and stop his cheating and save there money.
            The Author uses similes to show that life of plum picker. In the passage “An endless maze of apricot trees, as though forever, neat rows of them neatly planted row after row, just like the blackest bar on the jail of the hell”. Comparing the farm filed to jail of the hell, it was endless work and they couldn’t get away from those neat row field and also he use personification in the passage “the hot dry air suck every drop of the living moisture from his brute body”. To show us, character was working in a really hot and dry, the only the water is their relief and help. By using allusion that “the holy water”.
            The author uses word flow to describe farm boss Robert Morales was merciless and selfish, robber, cheater. In the passage “A real robber, a Mexican general. A gentlemanly. Friendly, polite, grinning, vicious, thieving brute. The worst kind.” And in the passage rising point of the story, Author tell us Roberto Morales announces in the passage “in his friendly tone, “Now I have to take two cent from every bucket, I am sorry” that suggest Morales real cheat and mistreat on those innocent and hardworking workers like a wolf talk nice to get meat.
            But at the end author uses Manual’s bravery to stand against Roberto greedy, in the passage “you Promised to take nothing” to suggest in that quite exhaust worker they have some on could stand on their right, lead the other worker in the passage “all the other worker pickers moved toward their own buckets still standing” all worker follow the Manual to stand for their right and fight against mistreated. Manual save money and could earn respect, pride from his fellow and discover the value of fight for their rights and unity.
            Author use various kind of written methods and work choices and show us that in an unfair and mistreat of the society or place. He/She encourage us to fight against them, for any cost to show our own pride and honor, salvage right and justices, then many other people will stand for your side and thankful you.

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